Native American Leadership Alliance 

Establishing Reconciliation and Peace



 NALA believes in bringing the power of our traditional healing and reconciliation worldwide. Due to this belief we have have initiated a special program in the Middle East.

NALA undertook a pilgrimage on September of 2004 to Israel which included:


A Special Candlelight Prayer  Ceremony  In Remembrance of the Victims of September 11
Independence Park, Jerusalem


A Heart to Heart Cultural Program

A Ceremony of Repentance and Remembrance
Yad Vashem - Holocaust Memorial



NALA has set up a Cultural Embassy in Jerusalem to help our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. We are in hopes that this will be just the first of many embassy's in this region to assist with the much needed healing process in this conflict torn area.

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Greetings!  Aho!

In September, 2004, I joined 15 Native Americans from as many tribes throughout the U.S. and Canada , to participate in a Pilgrimage to Israel sponsored by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.  Our NALA delegation performed healing ceremonies and prayers at sacred sites including Yad Vershem (the Holocaust Memorial), Gaza , and Golgotha .  We opened doors for peace on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Both President Yasser Arafat and the Jewish mayor of Jerusalem wept as they received our delegation and the blessing we brought.  The American Indian appeal for reconciliation and peace was honored at every encounter.  It could not be denied. 

Because of the unique, sacrificial course of the First People, we are now being called by the Creator to lead others to reconciliation and peace and to finally end the cycle of revenge and retribution.  Our experience in Israel confirmed the tremendous power of First People in this work.  It inspired an ambitious, unprecedented project that will impact the world!

NALA has partnered with Master Carver Jewell Praying Wolf James and the House of Tears Carvers at the Lummi Reservation on the coast of Washington State to create a Peace Pole project to address the current global crisis at its core, in the Middle East .  These ‘Healing the Family of Abraham’ Peace Totem Poles will be blessed and bring healing as it crosses our land, from the west coast to the east coast.  The poles will then be transported to Israel and taken through Palestinian and Jewish lands, finding its permanent site near the village of Neveh Shalom .  Because the conflict in Israel is the flashpoint now tearing the human family apart, this Native American Peace Poles project will impact people throughout the world as a proud symbol of reconciliation, healing, hope and peace.  It honors our ancestors and our brave warriors who have fought for peace since the beginning of time

We must raise $250,000 to enable the Peace Poles to stand in Israel for all of the people of the world to see.  The names of all individuals, tribes, or organizations that contribute $10,000 or more will be engraved on a permanent plaque at the site and will be prominent in all of the literature and promotional materials involved in this historic effort.  In addition, we will bring tribal representatives to participate in a ceremonial Blessing Pow Wow in Israel as the Peace Poles are presented in April, 2006.  All additional funds will be used to invite delegates from all tribes to this unprecedented, global event.

Please contribute generously.  We are making a difference! 

All our relations.

Chief Robert Joseph, PhD
Project Chairman

  Donation checks can made to "Native American Leadership Alliance" and mailed to the administrative office at the following address:

3600 New York Ave NE, Third Floor
Washington, DC 20002

For questions, please call (503) 490-8535.





This Web site is produced for NALA by NALA, a non-profit organization.
                                Web site © by NALA



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